Learn the art of playing in small jazz ensembles

July 14-18, 2025

Eugene, Oregon

About the Oregon

Jazz Workshop

The Oregon Jazz Workshop is for instrumentalists who want to play in small jazz ensembles. Portland and Eugene-based professional jazz musicians will coach and provide instruction during this week-long learning experience. Through musical training, the Oregon Jazz Workshop promotes community-wide resilience.

Who can attend the Oregon Jazz Workshop?

The Oregon Jazz Workshop is open to all woodwind, brass, piano, guitar, bass (upright or electric), and drum set players, ages 11 through adult: we welcome middle school, high school, and college students, as well as adult players.

A recorded audition is required for admittance, as well as submission of the OJW application form (with parental permission, if under 18). This audition will determine ensemble placement.

Drum set players must be able to provide their own equipment, and bassists and guitarists must be able to provide their own amps. Vibraphonists must be able to provide their own instruments.

Proof of full COVID-19 vaccination will be required for all participants, no later than August 1st (medical exemptions considered).

What does the Oregon Jazz Workshop offer?

The core of the Oregon Jazz Workshop experience is participation in small jazz ensembles, coached by some of the region’s finest professional players and educators.

In addition, the workshop will include:
Theory/ear training/guided listening
Master classes

Daily faculty performances

A small ensemble final concert

The Oregon Jazz Workshop will be held at Lane Community College Performing Arts Building (Building 6) at 4000 E. 30th Ave.


MONDAY: 7/14

9-9:30 Orientation
9:30-11 Small Jazz Ensemble rehearsals
11-12 Master Class

12-1 Lunch
1-2 Sectional
2-3 Jam session/theory
3-4 Small Jazz Ensemble rehearsals
4:00-5:00 Faculty Jazz Combo Performance


9-10:30 Small Jazz Ensemble rehearsals
10:30-11:30 Master Class
11:30-12:30 Lunch
12:30-1:30 Sectionals
1:30-2:30 Jam session/theory
2:30-4:00 Small Jazz Ensemble rehearsals
4:00-5:00 Faculty Jazz Combo Performance

FRIDAY: 7/18

9-10 *Optional* Jam Session

10:00-11:30 Small Jazz Ensemble rehearsals
11:30-12:30 Lunch
12:30-1:30 Sectionals
1:30-3 Panel Discussion
3-4:30 Small Jazz Ensemble rehearsals

4:30-5:30 Break; meal for workshop participants, provided by OJW

5:30 Final Concert

Application and audition

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. The final application deadline is July 7th. Applicants will be notified of their status within one week of submission.

1) Click on the “apply now” button to submit your application form.
2) Submit your recorded audition materials. (Scroll down to “Audition Requirements” for details.) To submit your audition, upload the file(s) to Google Drive with your name in the file. Once you’ve uploaded it, share the file with “oregonjazzworkshop@gmail.com”. 

Audition Requirements

All applicants must submit a recorded audition to be accepted into the Oregon Jazz Workshop and placed into small groups. These are meant to be stress-free. We look forward to hearing you! 

For ease, we recommend making your recording with a smartphone, set in vertical format.

The required audition material is a concert F Blues. If you don’t know an F Blues melody, find the image of “Take the Coltrane” in the correct key for your instrument at the bottom of this section.

Horn players: First state a melody 2 times, then solo over the form for at least 2 choruses. Use this backing track to play along with:

Comping Instruments (Piano/Guitar/Vibraphone): State the melody to an F Blues 2 times, then comp 2 choruses. After this, solo for at least 2 choruses. Use this backing track to play along with:

Bass players: Walk two choruses over an F Blues. Soloing after walking is optional. Use this backing track to play along with:

Drummers: Play time over an F Blues. Optional to send in any additional material with different grooves.

In addition to the F Blues, you may also submit any other supplemental material you’d like (transcription, recording from a past performance, etc.) This is optional. 

To submit your audition, upload the file(s) to Google Drive with your name in the file. Once you’ve uploaded it, share the file with “oregonjazzworkshop@gmail.com”. 

Auditions are due by July 15th. Applicants will be notified of their status within two weeks of submitting their audition.

If you don’t know an F Blues melody, learn and record ‘Take the Coltrane’. Select your key from the images listed below. Click and drag the image to your desktop.


The 2025 Oregon Jazz Workshop’s core faculty are listed below.

Master class clinicians, sectional coaches, and additional core faculty will be added as enrollment allows.

Please check back for updates for the 2025 workshop.

Tuition and payment policies


Tuition: $425

No housing is provided; the workshop is a day camp experience. OJW will not provide lunches.

Payment Deadlines
Application fee is due in conjunction with submission of application and audition materials.

July 14, 2024: tuition payment due in full

Refund Policy
The $25 application fee is non-refundable.

Other refunds of any amount will be made at the discretion of the Director.

Please note that OJW must meet minimum enrollment or it is subject to cancellation with full refunds.

If we are forced to cancel due to COVID-19, forest fires, or any other emergency, we will issue complete refunds (including the $25 application fee).

Feel free to contact us with any questions: oregonjazzworkshop@gmail.com.

Our goal is to provide participants the most fun and enriching musical experience possible while remaining in compliance with OHA and CDC guidelines for educational programs.

Please carefully read the following policies, as well as the photo/video release and code of conduct that follow: by signing electronic agreement through the link provided on your orientation letter the week prior to camp, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to abide by these policies.

COVID-19 policies

Please note: the policies below reflect our procedures for the 2021 workshop. Stay tuned for health and safety protocols for 2022. We’ll be updating expectations as the camp approaches in response to local conditions and the guidance of public health authorities. (Vaccination requirements will remain the same; masking requirements may shift.)

Vaccination requirement for participants: all program participants are required to show proof of vaccination at check-in on Monday, August 1.

Vaccination requirement for attending indoor events: all those who enter the facility to attend events (daily faculty concerts, final concert) will be asked to provide proof of vaccination.

Mask requirement for participants: As of August 2, in accordance with CDC guidance, all program participants must wear masks when indoors. Participants who already own instrument-specific face masks and masks for instrument bells should bring them; those who need masks will have them provided by OJW. Please inform OJW either way.

Mask requirement for drop-off/pick-up and event attendance: all those who enter the facility for concert attendance or drop-off/pick-up will be required to wear a mask.

Health Screening Questions for Program Participants: Program participants will be asked to answer the following health-related questions at program check-in. For participants under 18, parents/guardians are encouraged to pre-screen at home. See Exclusion from Programs on pages for an explanation of what will happen if someone answers yes to either of these questions or has other symptoms of illness.

  1. Are you or anyone in your household a close contact of an individual with COVID-19 (or a presumptive case of COVID-19) or anyone who has been exposed to COVID-19 within the past 14 days?Note: A “presumptive case” means the person was exposed to someone with COVID-19 and the presumptive individual showed symptoms in the past 10 days. An “exposure” is defined as an individual who has close contact (less than six feet) for longer than 15 minutes (in a 24 hour period) with a COVID-19 case that is infectious. “Infectious” means from two days before until ten days after their symptoms started (or when they showed symptoms if they were never tested).

    1. Are you or anyone in your household experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms — a new loss of taste or smell, an unusual cough, shortness of breath, a fever (100.4°F or higher) and chills, or difficulty breathing? “Unusual cough” means something not normal for you. Note: anyone entering the building with any of the following symptoms will also not be admitted to their program or permitted to attend a concert: headache, sore throat, rash, vomiting, pink eye, or diarrhea.

  2. Health Screening for Oregon Jazz Workshop Staff Members/Volunteers: Staff and volunteers will self-screen and attest to their own health on a daily basis.

  3. Program Visitors: Non-Oregon Jazz Workshop staff/volunteer visitors to our programs will be limited. All those who enter the building for an event will be asked to provide proof of vaccination and to wear a mask. Critical service providers, such as medical/emergency personnel and others essential for safe and effective operations of our programs, will be allowed.


    Daily Program Log: OJW will keep a written daily log that includes the information below. This information will support COVID-19 contact tracing by local health authorities (if necessary) and will be maintained for a minimum two years (for participants under the age of 18) after the program ends.

    • Participant’s name

    • Arrival/departure time

    • Adult’s signature at drop-off/pick-up, for those under 18

    • Emergency contact information

    • Daily pass/fail health check records for program participants/staff/volunteers/visitors

    Program Participant/Staff/Volunteer Exclusion Records: Written records will be kept by program administrative staff regarding any program participants/volunteers/staff who go home sick/have symptoms of illness – and how this situation is addressed.

Photo/video/media release

Participants in the Oregon Jazz Workshop agree to the program’s unlimited use of their image in photos, videos and other media. Participants wishing to be exempted from this agreement must notify OJW in writing prior to start of camp.

Participant Code of Conduct

Participants in the Oregon Jazz Workshop agree to abide by the following rules/code of conduct:

• I will communicate with respect with fellow participants, OJW faculty, and OJW staff.

• I will work to create a supportive learning and performance atmosphere, take musical risks, and graciously accept feedback.

• I will not use alcohol or recreational drugs of any kind.

For safety and COVID-19 reasons:

• I will arrive at camp check-in with all needed equipment, food, and supplies, and remain on site for the duration of camp hours (no off-campus lunch or breaks).

• I acknowledge that OJW reserves the right to exclude me from continued program participation if this code of conduct is not followed.

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Zack P. Mittge at Hutchinson Cox Law